Friday, December 2, 2011

Earth Balance

I love Earth Balance butter...but I just found out they have (Egg)Nog and Coconut Spread! weeeee..yum!

Nom Nom Coconut (Includes some coupons!)

Vegan Pho! My life is finally complete!

Nom nom everything else!

Friday, September 30, 2011


Becoming a minimalist is hoarder than I thought.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Nom nom

Totally not vegan, but Songs to Wear Pants To and My Drunk Kitchen collaborated and it's freakin' hilarious!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Music Monday

I hate Rihanna, but this guy is pretty awesome!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Music (monday) Tuesday

Since yesterday was a holiday, here is some music for your Tuesday.

No Church In The Wild


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Music (monday) Tuesday

Music Monday Tuesday..oops

wait...what day is it? Thuuuuursday?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


A bit of a show off, but I watched this with my jaw to the floor. This makes me want to try harder at my fitness level! Wowzers! (and a little bit of YUM!)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Football is back

Ok, this is about a week overdue, but YIPPEE football is back! A bunch of my friends and I watch the NFL and we were all totally bummed out about the lockout in the States.

Yay, go bears! Rarrrrr.....

To celebrate we are having a BBQ / Touch Football party this Sunday. To say I'm excited is an understatement. A friend that is helping organize it and I have been on "chat" all day talking about how excited we are. Yes, nerds...but football nerds! There's a difference!

Training camp Aug 2nd

My favorite Bear player - Devin Hester at Soldier Field

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Music Monday (yesterday was a stat holiday here in BC!)

Been listening to Frank Ocean lately... He's so good, but if you aren't used to listening to music about drugs, women and/or sex...caution - ha

Thursday, July 28, 2011


I went for a run last night with a friend. It turned out to be quite an amazing night actually. Just the right temperature to do something physical outside. I actually did a lot better than I thought I would and I'm not sore today...we'll see about tomorrow - haha

We ran past these awesome huge lounge chairs and I decided on the way back I was going to take a nice little rest there. They are quite comfortable actually! And they could fit all your closest friends if need be!

This has nothing to do with my post, but it's my friends band and I've been listening to them today, so you can too!


Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Yoga was great last night. I warned my friend that I had some pent up energy weighing on me and that I might cry if any of the moves released it. She assured me that it would be ok if that happened, but she might have to pretend that she didn't know me.

While waiting for one class to end and ours to begin I was looking at all the products that they sell. Not only is it a yoga studio, but it also sells clothing, mats, books, teas, some snacks and jewelry and stones. One pendant in particular grabbed my attention. I couldn't stop looking at it. So naturally I bought it - ha! I swapped my pendant that I normally wear with this one and as soon as it hit my skin I felt a huge weight and then a weird tingly pull. Almost like it was trying to do something to the area that I felt blocked. (that area being my heart chakra - go figure) I made a few faces and my friend was laughing at me. I felt energized.

The class started and I made it through until the end when we did our meditation. One single tear rolled dwon my cheek. That's it? hmmmm. I guess I need to work a bit harder...although I think the teacher was being easy on us.

This morning I looked up the meaning of the stone and this is what it had to say:
* Brings good fortune
* Assists in foretelling the future
* Enhances intuition
* Promotes inspiration
* Brings success in love as well as business matters
* Offers protection on land and at sea

It has been worn as an amulet to bring good emotions to the wearer, while protecting those of a sensitive nature. It can reunite lovers who have quarreled. Moonstone is also considered a good luck stone.

Moonstone is a very personal stone. It is a reflection of the person who owns it. It does not add or detract, only shows how it is. This is why the moonstone is said to perceive that which "is". Moonstone is an excellent stone to use in meditation to understand oneself.

Moonstone is used by healers to stimulate the functioning of the pineal gland and balance internal hormone cycles with nature's rhythms. Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. Though often considered to be a woman's stone, it can be beneficial to men in opening the emotional self.

So there you have it.. Yup.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Yo gah!

I start yoga tonight. I've totally missed it these past few years. I guess not enough to actually go back, but hey. haha! My friend that I belly danced with last fall will be going with me. I'm really happy that she found this's actually right by my house! Yippee!

I feel a bit off balance this week. I'm hoping the yoga will fix that. I also got offered a Reiki session, so that would help too I guess.

Have you ever felt that way? I'm totally happy, pretty much stress free, but have this weird weight on my chest. I'm wondering if my body knows something I don't.. maybe it's trying to slow me down or something. I don't know, but it feels weird. Almost like my heart hurts...or somewhere in that area. Ok...not hurts but there is pressure. I don't think I'm explaining it right. No, I don't feel like I'm having a heart attack. I just sigh.


Monday, July 18, 2011


Stagettes are scary

Ok, no I'm kidding...I think. I went to a stagette on the weekend for a friend of a friend. It was "Fairy tales gone wrong".

I was supposed to go to Vancouver Island again for another family function, but decided not to go because of just being there last weekend. I was also invited to a wedding on the sunshine coast, but they left in the middle of the day Friday...which is impossible for me to get off. So, I thought...hey .. free weekend to "git shit doooone". I have a ton of photos that need to be worked on and processed and nothing appealed to me more than staying in my pj's on a rainy day.

By the time I received what felt like the millionth (?) text about the stagette, I thought, fuck it, I'll go. (I had been invited previous, but declined because of the other plans.) So...with no costume I made my way to the party. Wow. Penis pictures everywhere, penis pinata, pin the penis on Tarzan..etc. Hilarious. I even won a prize for the worst costume...the costume costume - haha

Here are the ladies

Yes, that is a limo bus...with a stripper pole.

I've been to a few stagette's in my time, but this was by far the craziest. There were a lot of boobs being flashed out the windows..(not mine)... and we even ran into another stagette happening on a bus. It was a bus full of lesbians. It was amazing.

Music Monday

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Music Monday on a Tuesday because I never know the day anymore..


Well, the mama's gone. She called me just now saying she is getting on her flight home. It seemed like quite the fast trip, but I guess she was here for over a week! The good thing about it is that I get to see the whole family (this time my dad's side) in Aug, so I'm not too bummed about her going.

Spending any kind of time with family really lets you see how similar and different you are to them. I am probably split down the middle of my parents. I have my Mom's very quirky sense of humor and my Dad's calm. I think it's actually a very good combo if you ask me!

Ah family..what would I do without them?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Refresh button

wow...sleep does wonders. I feel like a real person again! Last week was so crazy, I'm so glad it's over!

I had a nice trip with the mama to Vancouver Island and feel like a whole new person. Yay!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Be quiet Thursday..

I figure I've talked your ear off enough this week about random dramatic things, so I'll spare you the long winded whiny post and give you pictures to look at. I'm a horrible horrible blogger and forgot to document where I got them, so if they're yours let me know and I'll add it.

I'm off to Vancouver Island with the Mama tomorrow, so have a fabulous weekend kids!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I love myself

And I'm humble too!

I'm on a healing path. I don't really feel like my life is falling apart or anything, but I am a firm believer in "self maintenance". Some people address problems as they arise..and let's be honest sometimes it's unavoidable and you don't see it coming, but since "the drama" is creeping back into my life, I've decided to take a step back and assess. I see the dark cloud over yonder and I'm going to avoid it!

(Stay away from me...yes, even if you're cute! Sad Grey Cloud Felt Broach by Hannahdoodle on etsy)

I've talked about this before and then something has come up and I've gotten distracted. I'm totally going to concentrate on myself...yes, I am. I promise. My mama is in town and I'm going to get in some choice family time. Some healing mama time. It's weird that just hanging out with a family member you haven't seen in a while heals your soul.

I'm also joining yoga again with a friend. This is exactly what I need. I need to concentrate on my breath, my body and my heart. I often do feel things quite clearly and precise, but this past month I've ignored some stuff that I'm not too happy about. I have always listened to my body, my head and my heart and usually they are on the same page, but my energy has scattered. I think yoga will bring everything back into sync.

I've also started to walk to and from work. It is roughly about an hour each way and a perfect way to work out my feelings and thoughts. I have also been going to a lake that is a short walk from my house and journal-ling. Is that a word? It is now. I have been writing everything that comes up...verbal/written diarrhea... I'm talking everything... right down to how I feel about the person that just walked by me on the beach. So funny...wish you could read it, but you aren't going to, but I'm hilarious...take my word for it.

And finally, thinking about the past month, I don't know where the urgency of finding a partner came from. I've decided to step back from that as well. If he's out there and he's for me...I'll meet him. The universe is there for me to tap into and it won't let me down, I know this. No sense making myself crazy over why I'm single. I'm single for a reason and I should enjoy it for now.

So that's it my lovelies! Me time, mama time, family time. aaaah sounds delish!

I also forgot to do Music Monday at the beginning of the week (see! I'm all over the place), so here you go! Enjoy!

Thursday, June 30, 2011


It's June...almost July...I'm FREEZING. I was all set to see a movie in the park with friends last night (Roman Holiday), but it was canceled due to rain...and cold...serious cold. Me no likey this summer weather so far!

On a better note, I still hooked up with the couple I was going to go to the movie with. We had an awesome visit and they made me a full vegan meal! Look at it!

Ok, bad picture...but it was fettuccine alfredo with smoked mushrooms! YUM! Aaaand we had blackberry shortcake for dessert! I didn't get a picture of that because as soon as it was dished out I vacuumed it up faster than a Dyson.

After dinner we gathered around the computer and analyzed my online dating profile. They approved on most of it, but encouraged me to add a few things. So funny. They met online and are still going strong 2 years into it, so I guess there is still hope for me - ha!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Ice cream sandwich molds


I got my ice cream sandwich molds today!!!!!!!!

Can't wait to use them!


Some friends and I went to the Special Edition PechaKucha Volume: 17 West Coast Modernism in partnership with the West Vancouver Museum last night. It was great! Now I just have to make enough money to buy a West Coast Modernism home! Easy peasy.

I really enjoyed each speaker, but found John Fulker, an architectural photographer, to be the most interesting.

A little "about" from their webpage

PechaKucha Night was devised in Tokyo in February 2003 as an event for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public.

It has turned into a massive celebration, with events happening in hundreds of cities around the world, inspiring creatives worldwide. Drawing its name from the Japanese term for the sound of conversation ("chit chat"), it rests on a presentation format that is based on a simple idea: 20 images x 20 seconds.
It's a format that makes presentations concise, and keeps things moving at a rapid pace.

Not too sure when the next night is for Vancouver, but keep your eyes peeled! They tend to sell out VERY fast!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Post Hangover

Now that the city is getting back to some form of normalcy, I feel the knot in my stomach releasing. Although I maybe had one beer on Wednesday during the game, my hangover lasted about 4 days. As my friend Shannon wrote on her blog, I wish I could have gone down to the city core and helped out with the clean-up..or put a post it on the police car or a note on the boarded up windows of the Bay.

(pictures by

The embarrassment was too much for some people in this city and I know we are all trying to just get back to the day to day lives we had before the riot.

I have mixed feelings about the below apology. Watching it made me mad, tear up and sorry for him and his future all at the same time, but made me wonder if he hadn't been photographed would he have come forward? I guess I can appreciate that he has waived his right for his name not to be released to the media. Maybe this is a start to the healing for Vancouver. I know a lot of people (comments on FB where Global TV posted this video) actually do not accept his apology, but I do feel it is coming from the heart.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Well, there you go. Class act. We lose a hockey game and some morons try to torch the city.

My friends and I got off early to watch the game and headed down to a local pub. It was a nice small intimate place and we were really excited. We knew by the second period that it wasn't going our way, but we tried to keep up our spirits.

By the end of the third, we mopped a bit, but decided to hang out at the pub for a final drink and to catch up with each other since the last 3 hours we weren't really talking..only yelling at the screens. One of my friends got an offer to go to Wicked right after and she headed out quickly to catch the curtain rise.

Within 15 minutes we got a picture text from her of a car on fire outside the theater. We were worried, so her fiancé, myself and a few friends headed in that direction to go get her. What we didn't expect was the mass crowds trying to get closer to the flames....who does that?

I hate to admit it, but we hung out and took a few pictures. Although we didn't participate in any of the looting, car burning or throwing things at the cops, we still felt like we weren't helping the situation just standing around, so we decided to move on. At that time the whole crowd shifted and were coming toward us. We were in a somewhat safe place, but were kind of trapped as the cops were trying to disperse the crowd and we didn't want to end up in the middle of it. We hung out against a wall by the theater. That's where I got some of this footage:

This crowd then moved into a gigantic parking lot and proceeded to set two police cars on fire. I didn't see the fire getting started but did see the people jumping on the cars and turning them over.

Since the crowd had moved over to the left we were able to move past them and walk over the Cambie bridge. It took me about an hour to get to a friends house where I watched the tv coverage. I couldn't believe the images I was seeing! It wasn't anything near what I had experienced! I really didn't think it would escalate like that. What a shame.

The good thing about all of this (thanks God there is a good thing) is that the city has come together to clean up these moron's mess. People off the street picking up garbage and washing buildings. Amazing!

Started innocently enough! Go Canucks!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Is this guy single?

Cause he speaks my language - hahah


Well, yes it was a busy weekend. I really wished it was a long I could recoup. And then there was the hockey game last night - sigh.

I love Lou, but come on! 4 goals in the first few minutes? eep.

So back to me...I climbed the Chief in Squamish on Sunday. If you know anything about me, you know that the only exercise I really do is walking. I used to be a runner and a swimmer, but the couch was more comfortable. Actually, no that is an exaggeration, but ever since PC and I broke up I kind of gave up on the hiking.

The first 20 minutes of the hike I LITERALLY thought I was going to DIE. I didn't know that the hike would basically be all stairs. This is why I don't do the grouse grind...stairs.

you can't see the stairs in this shot, but I assure you they are there!

My little hungry buddy...he went into my bag for my snacks..

 my backpack full of friend Mike had to carry was WAY too heavy for me to lug around the first try...sorry Mike!

Us at the top! I MADE IT!

Since becoming vegan I haven't done any excessive exercise. I've always been super scared that I'm just going to fall down and melt into a puddle. So when I heard we were going to go to the Chief I packed almost every snack I could think of. The best snack for me was dates. Those suckers saved my life. If you ever get the feeling of low blood sugar and need a burst of energy, dates are the only thing you need. They are the most natural form of sugar that will get to your blood steam quickly. My tip to you...enjoy. I can barely walk. FU chief. I'll get you.

Other things I did this weekend...

Hung out with my friend Mark and his incredible cute kids. This is me trying to capture them at the Farmers Market. Quick little suckers...

And my friend Alicia and I went to the Sing-a-long for Grease and Grease 2....we only made it for one of started at midnight and I'm 80, so you can only do so much!

Blurry zuko

Friday, June 10, 2011

So much going on this weekend!

This weekend is going to be crazy in Vancouver. We have so much going on. I guess because summer is finally here. I think since the Olympics were here last year we are all trying to capture the feeling we all shared. Good times people.

So tonight.. game 5 of the Stanley cup finals... will we win? God I hope so.

Videos are popping up all over the internet. People are soooo creative in this town. This has been one of my favorites.

Wicked is also in town for the month. I think I actually want to see it. I don't know too much about the story, but some people filled me in when we held a Dr Sketchy's night based on the theme. It was fun!

The Dragon Boat festival is also going on this weekend in False Creek. I usually go because some friends are in it, but the friends I would support are away on a big trip. Still might wander down and take some pictures.

Grease and Grease 2 sing along at the Rio Theatre
! Oh my god. My friend asked me to do this tonight.. sounds like a lot of fun actually. I loved Grease...Grease 2 was not my favorite, but I don't think I could stay up that late anyway!

New movie coming out that I actually want to see:

Sunday a few friends and I are going to climb the Chief. It's a big mountain outside of Squamish...about an hour outside of Vancouver (On the way to Whistler). It'll be my first time climbing it, but I usually hike in the summer, so I'm hoping it won't be too hard.

Hopefully I can get some good pictures to show you!

Have a great weekend everyone! GO CANUCKS!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Game 4 and I'm not going to watch. I don't think I can stand it. I'll do my laundry and grocery shopping instead. Yeah, that's it...being productive and doing housework is better than fretting over hockey...right?

The city has been hosting game parties in the streets in various locations...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Me and my true love is a better picture...maybe

awww...isn't that just precious? Who needs a boy when they have their camera?

Also, I found this:

Name Meaning & Origin
Gender: Girl (thank goodness)
Origin: Germanic
Meaning: Battle; female warrior
Pronunciation:(heh dee)

So there you go...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Music Monday

PJ Harvey!! Yay

O Steve

Well, my world has turned on it's side. I hate hate hate the show Jackass...because they are ..well jackasses, but I just found out that Steve-o is a vegan. Now I have a bit...tiny bit...of respect for him now.

Steve-o on Vegansaurus

Monday, May 30, 2011

Music Monday

My home - Vancouver

I love this video..

Here is a longer time lapse video of Vancouver

I really can't image living anywhere else.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Wednesday evening

While most of the city was watching the Canucks game, my friend Saskia and I went to see the Whitecaps play Toronto FC at Empire Field.

We had a lot of fun and really got into the game. We got the tickets through her work...Canuck place. Let's just say that she is in the bad books right now for taking the tickets, but in her defense, when I don't watch the Canucks they win. So, you're welcome.