Books worth Reading

If you want to try the vegetarian or vegan lifestyle...or even just want to get healthier, I highly recommend to thoroughly research where you want to be with your health. Get your doctor involved, read as much as you can and take baby steps. Everyone reacts differently to change and having a medical professional on your side will help tremendously.

When I switched to a vegan diet both my Chinese Herbalist and my family doctor were in full support. If your doctor(s) don’t support your change at least hear them out on why. I have heard of people that tried to become vegan and their body did not respond to it for one reason or another and their doctors sat them down and explained why (be it not getting enough vitamins, minerals or nutrients) at least hear them out before making your decision. Listen to your body!

A few books that I have read and actually re-visit quite often are:

The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone

Alicia’s information seems to be aimed more toward women, but I know that anyone can benefit from her knowledge. Her non-preachy approach was a relief when I first started out. She has no judgments on which life style you choose, she just offers some tips to be a better you! Alicia also hosts a blog that has an on-line community for support and information. You can find that here The Kind Life or on my side bar.


The Thrive Diet by Brendan Brazier

Brendan is originally from North Vancouver (holla!) and has a whole line of vegan supplies that you can find in health stores. He is the creator of an award-winning line of whole food nutritional products called Vega. His approach (I find) is geared more toward the athlete, but you can definitely find some amazing tips and info in his book and on line.


The China Study by T. Colin Campbell

If you choose to read only one of these books I urge you to read this one. T. Colin Campbell researched the material for this book over a 40 year span. His knowledge on nutrition, health and chronic disease is second to none. You can find more information on his foundation website T. Colin Campbell Foundation.

Whole Rethinking the Science of Nutrition by T. Colin Campbell

This is a great book. I knew it would be because I admire Dr. Campbell so much. It is a continuation of The China Study and goes deeper into his story of trying to get his information out into the world. I have been frustrated a bit reading it  - only because of the roadblocks that he has hit to give people the truth about nutrition.
Clean by Alejandro Junger, MD

This is a great addition to have on your bookshelf. Alejandro goes into detail about the toxins we take in daily, whether it be from food, clothing or environment. It eventually leads up to a 3 week cleanse that you can do once or more a year to feel your best and rid toxins. You don't have to be vegan to do the cleanse and it provides recipes, tips and amazing resources.

Wheat Belly by William Davis, MD

I actually haven't finished reading this book, but I'm recommending it just on what I have read so far! As of August this year I have gone gluten free and this book just confirms why I made the right decision. It explains what has happened to our wheat just over the last few decades.. and it's frighting! 

RAW - The UnCook Book by Juliano

 This is a cook book for everything Raw! The pictures look amazing and everything is straight forward and easy to understand.

Live Raw by Mimi Kirk

 This is a very informative recipe book. Full of great information from the benefits of raw food, right down to the function of our body parts and what foods help them. I highly recommend this read!! I also can't get over that she was born in 1938 and looks soooo amazing :) Such an inspiration.

I will be adding more books as I find them, so check back often. Also, if you have any suggestions please forward them to me!