Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I survived..

Well, I survived the weekend. My Grandfather's funeral was very nice. I cried...a lot. I'm actually glad past chapter was there. His sleeve made a nice tissue when I was walking to my seat in the front few pews.

My Uncle read the eulogy and my mother wrote an incredible poem. They both did an amazing job. The flowers that filled the room were so beautiful and vibrant. I was going to say I can't believe how many people were there, but actually I can. My Grandfather touched a lot of lives, right down to his last days. Everyone loved him. I can only wish I follow his example..

The drive there and back were less dramatic than I anticipated. PC and I were buddies discussing life, parents, grandparents, friends, work and love. It was truly great. Wow, someone was definitely shining down on us those days. I guess 10 hours each way wasn't a biggie after all!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad it went least as well as it could...we need to get together's the move going?
