Wednesday, August 7, 2013

It's heeeeeerrrreeeeeee!

My Vitamix has arrived! A day earlier than estimated and I'm SO excited!

I had to walk a ways to pick it up and the box was a lot larger that any of the bags I brought. It also weighs 50 pounds...FYI. I guess I could have taken a cab home, but I spent so much on this beauty that I have to watch what I spend I walked the 15 blocks home with it. Let's just say that I'm not working out today.. my arms are STILL sore.

 It doesn't look that big in the picture above, but trust me.. I'm just glad it came with a handle.

It comes with a recipe book too! So exciting.

First drink made was a Raspberry, Banana and Kale smoothie. It was pretty good!

And then I was bad and made a Jack Daniels and Ginger Ale slush - hahahahahahahaha! Hey, it was delicious, so shhh.

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