Sunday, April 15, 2012


I can't believe it is Sunday night already! I feel like I just wrote last weeks post. Time sure does fly!

So! My new juicer! AMAZING! I love it. I have been having a green juice every morning for 10 days now. I feel pretty much the same, but the juice is amazing. (I think I might have mentioned that already - heh) I do know it's doing something because I had a bit of a hangover this morning and felt 100% better after having my juice.

So delish!

As I have mentioned before, I am going to start posting more recipes. I have made a new shiny page (up top beside 'books')and it will have links to all the recipes I post. I am going to try to aim this blog toward more health conscious posts rather than my personal life. Why?, you ask. Well, I don't have too much to talk about to be honest! I have gone through a lot of old posts and this has been kind of a diary for me. I guess I needed it at the time, but I don't feel like I do anymore.

I will, of course, still tell you some things, but it won't be like the older posts. Some things just need to be kept to myself. Be more mysterious, ya...that's it!

Most recipes will be from another site until I have time to actually write my own. I will have a link to it's original source. Like I mentioned on my recipe page, if you have a recipe you would like me to try post a comment and I'll see what I can do!

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