Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Minimalist schminalist! The purge begins...again.

Last year my New Years resolution was to become a minimalist. I gave myself 12 whole months to get rid of my crap that I didn't use, need, want. The only thing I did was reduce my storage space from 10 boxes to 3. It was a big step, but that was all I did... if you don't count getting rid of my boyfriend - haaaaa ha.

So here I am 16 months later and I'm thinking I really need to get on that bandwagon....again. To be honest, I probably wouldn't be so inclined if I had more storage space, but I really think it's a blessing in disguise.

I recently found this blog and feel I really need to up my game. Do I really need all the crap I have? Do I even use it? I guess if I use it at least twice or three times a year and if not - out it goes?

I've had a set of golf clubs in a fedex triangle box shoved in my closet for 4 years and haven't used them once. Now that I have moved and only have one closet...that is already full; the clubs are in the middle of my dining room staring at me every time I walk by. What if this summer I decide to go golfing more? What if I decide to do 9 or 18 holes instead of just going to the driving range? You know I'll look pretty suave hauling the clubs around in a fedex box! You're jealous, it's ok to admit it. I can't believe I don't even have a golf bag *sigh*

The problem with getting rid of stuff won't have it anymore...I know..tricky. I get attached to things because of who gave them to me and the memory behind it more than the actual object sometimes. I have some knick knacks that are kind of tacky, but they remind me of that time when we did something together or went on that trip to Seattle or remember when that guy did that thing? I have the receipt from the dinner that night! OH MY GOD I NEED HELP.


  1. You don't need help...and depending on who you talk to, your shedding of PC could be like getting rid of 90% of your stuff (or like I said, it depends on who you talk to)...

    check out this minimalist blog...I like reading it, but I think she's far more minimalist that I could ever want to be (there's not way I'll ever be *able* to be that minimalist either!)

    Oh and I have the ticket stub from each and every post-work, pre-6 pm movie we ever saw at Tinseltown...and every movie we saw the summer we ran out of movies to see because we'd seen them all...even the BAD ones!

  2. haha! I'll take the 90%!!

    Ok, so I'm not the only one that saved every movie stub? Thank goodness! Although I have a shredder now and once it comes back to me from making the rounds with whomever I have lent it to I think I'm going on a shredding frenzy and getting rid of some of my boxes of paper memories!

  3. I am minimalist-ish. I couldn't go as far as Miss Minimalist either, although I do like her blog.

    Funny, I am decluttering for the same reason you are-small space. I am enjoying less distractions too though.
